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经济学教授, 复旦大学经济学院,中国社会主义市场经济研究中心  

电子邮箱: xuzhiwei09{at}; zhiwei_xu{at}





个人简介:复旦大学经济学院,经济学教授、博导,毕业于香港科技大学经济系,获经济学博士学位,主要研究兴趣为中国宏观经济、宏观金融、货币政策、经济波动等。主持国家自科优秀青年基金、教育部哲学社会科学研究重大专项、国家自科青年基金、上海市哲社青年基金等项目。研究成果入选ESI高被引论文,并获2016浦山世界经济青年论文奖、2020中国信息经济学会优秀成果奖、2022第七次全国优秀财政理论研究成果一等奖、2022中国信息经济学会创新成果奖、2023上海市第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果论文类一等奖、2018上海市哲学社科优秀成果二等奖、2020江苏省哲学社科优秀成果二等奖等。主要论文发表在 American Economic Journal: Macro、Economic Journal、Economic Theory、Journal of Development Economics、Journal of Economic Theory (×2)、Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control (×4)、Journal of Money, Credit and Banking、Review of Economic Dynamics (×2)、Regional Science and Urban Economics、Quantitative Economics 以及《经济研究》(×6)、《管理世界》(×3)、《经济学季刊》(×5)等国内外重要期刊。目前担任 China and World Economy、Economic Modelling 、《经济学报》、《金融学季刊》副主编(Associate Editor)。“经济波动与增长”宏观学术会议主要发起者和组织者。



19. Temporary Prosperity or Sustainable Development: The Long-Run Impact of Developing Pollution Intensive Industries (with Hongyu Nian, Haitao Yin), 2023, Macroeconomic Dynamics, [paper].

18. Market Uncertainty and International Trade (with Haichao Fan and Guangyu Nie), 2023,  Review of Economic Dynamics[paper].

17. Understanding Local Government Debt in China: A Regional Competition Perspective (with Xi Qu, Jinxiang Yu, and Jun Zhu), 2023, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 工作论文最终版: [paper], 发表版: [link]

16. Bubbly Bailout (with Feng Dong), 2022, Journal of Economic Theory, [paper], non-technical summary in Chinese:[pdf],该文获中国信息经济学2022创新成果奖。

15. Sentiments and Real Business Cycles (with Fei Zhou and Jing Zhou), 2022,  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, [paper]

14. Economic Slowdown and Housing Dynamics in China: A Tale of Two Investments by Firms (with Feng Dong, Yumei Guo and Yuchao Peng), 2021,  Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, [paper]

13. Flight to Housing in China (with Feng Dong, Jianfeng Liu, and Bo Zhao), 2021, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, [paper].

12. Bubbly Bitcoin, (with Feng Dong and Yu Zhang), 2021, Economic Theory, [paper].

11. Greening through Finance? (with Haichao Fan, Yuchao Peng, and Huanhuan Wang), 2021, Journal of Development Economics, [paper],2022 ESI top 1% 高被引文章。

10. Interest Rate Liberalization and Capital Allocation (with Zheng Liu and Pengfei Wang), 2021, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics[paper].

9. Trump's Effect on the Chinese Stock Market (with Shijun Guo and Yang Jiao), 2021, Journal of Asian Economics, [paper],published version: [paper], working paper version [paper], summary in Chinese: link.

8. Cycles of Credit Expansion and Misallocation: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (with Feng Dong), 2020, Journal of Economic Theory, [发表版] [工作论文版],该文获中国信息经济学2020优秀成果奖。

7. Financial Development and Long-Run Volatility Trends (with Yi Wen and Pengfei Wang), 2018, Review of Economic Dynamics, [paper] [appendix

6. Two-Way Capital Flows and Global Imbalances (with Pengfei Wang and Yi Wen), 2017, Economic Journal. [paper]. Media briefing:[link], non-technical summary in Chinese:[pdf], 该文获2016浦山世界经济学青年论文奖,媒体引用 Global Times.

5. News Shock, Firm Dynamics, and Business Cycles: Evidence and Theory (with Haichao Fan, Xiang Gao, and Jenny Xu), 2016, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control[paper]

4. A Bayesian DSGE Model of Stock Market Bubbles and Business Cycles (with Jianjun Miao and Pengfei Wang),  2015, Quantitative Economics, [paper], [appendix], [codes].

3. What Inventories Tell Us about Aggregate Fluctuations -- A Tractable Approach to (S,s) Policies (with Pengfei Wang and Yi Wen), 2014,  Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. [paper]

2.  Firm Dynamics in News-Driven Business Cycles: The Role of Endogenous Survival Rate (with Haichao Fan), 2014, Applied Economics. [paper]

1. Univariate Unobserved-Component Model with a Non-Random Walk Permanent Component, 2013, Applied Economics. [paper]













8.朱军、许志伟(通讯作者),财政分权、地区间竞争与中国经济波动---多级政府框架下的动态一般均衡分析,2018,《经济研究》,《中国社会科学网》转载, 该文获2022第七次全国优秀财政理论研究成果一等奖、2020江苏省哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖。

9.许志伟、王文甫,经济政策不确定性对宏观经济的影响 ---基于实证与理论的动态分析,《经济学季刊》,2018,人大复印报刊资料《国民经济管理》2019年06期转载。


11. 张军、樊海潮、许志伟、周龙飞,GDP增速的结构性下调---基于官员考核机制的视角,《经济研究》,2020,《国际货币评论》2020第08期封面推荐、2023上海市第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果论文类一等奖​。

12. 董丰、许志伟(通讯作者),刚性泡沫:基于金融风险与刚性兑付的动态一般均衡分析,《经济研究》,2020。

13. 李戎、刘岩、彭俞超、许志伟通讯作者、薛涧坡,“动态随机一般均衡模型在中国的研究进展与展望”,2022,《经济学季刊》,封面文章,发表版:cnki链接[link][pdf];工作论文版:[pdf]

14. 董丰、陆毅、许志伟、孙浩宁,金融泡沫、脱实向虚与经济增长:动态多部门资产泡沫的理论视角,《经济学(季刊)》,已接受。


1. 许志伟、林仁文,我国总量生产函数的贝叶斯估计---基于动态随机一般均衡的视角,《世界经济文汇》,2011。

2. 刘建丰、许志伟、潘英丽,中国经济改革过程中的货币化进程:一个再思考,《财经研究》,2018。

3. 王瑞祥、许志伟、王文甫,国企创新、民企融资与经济结构调整,《世界经济文汇》,2018。

4. 詹新宇、许志伟、刘建丰,预算规则下的财政政策宏观效应--基于混合预期的新凯恩斯DSGE分析,《财贸经济》,2018,(人大复印报刊资料《财政与税务》2019年03期全文转载)。

5.  姜佳祺、许志伟,经济波动与宏观审慎:银行负债渠道的视角,《当代经济科学》,2019。

6.  许志伟、樊海潮、王岑郁,美国货币政策对中国经济的溢出效应研究,《财经研究》,2020。

7. 刘建丰、于雪、彭俞超、许志伟,房产税对宏观经济的影响效应研究,《金融研究》,2020。

8. 邓创、徐曼、许志伟,兼顾金融稳定的最优货币政策规则及其在中国的检验,《经济学报》,2021。

9. 刘芸、许志伟、王鹏飞,人民币贬值和汇改方向的理论探讨—— 基于动态汇率模型的分析,《中国经济问题》,2022。人大复印报刊资料《金融与保险》2022年10期转载。

10. 黄少卿、俞锦祥、许志伟, 杠杆率与企业生产率关系:基于信贷误配的视角,《中国工业经济》,2022。

11. 王鹏飞、宋恒旭、许志伟,金融视角下经济危机的内生机制---2022年诺贝尔经济学奖学术贡献梳理与评价,《中国科学基金》,2023。


1. 薛涧坡、许志伟、刘岩、李戎,“后疫情时代宏观经济学中政府角色的思考”,《经济评论》,2020年第4期 [pdf]

2. 薛涧坡、许志伟、刘岩、李戎,“兼爱非攻则天下治——一个统一的多政府主体宏观经济分析框架”,2020,工作论文 [pdf]。



1. Bank Risk-Taking and Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from China (with Xiaoming Li, Zheng Liu, and Yuchao Peng), 2020, [paper], a short summary: [voxchina], Revise & Resubmit at American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.

2. A Theory of Credit Cycles in Pandemic (with Feng Dong and Pengfei Wang), 2020, [paper].

3. International Credit Cycles (with Feng Dong and Jinxiang Yu), 2022, [paper], Reject and Resubmit at Journal of International Economics.

4. Local Government Debt and Bank Credit Allocation: Evidence from China (with Xiaoming Li, Zheng Liu, and Yuchao Peng), 2022, [paper]. 

5. The Pricing of Local Government Bonds in China: a Bank-government Relationship Perspective (with Xi Qu and Jinxiang Yu), 2023, [paper].

6. Debt Management and Strategic Interactions in Top-down Bureaucracy: Evidence from China (with Xi Qu and Jinxiang Yu), 2023, [paper].

7. Bank Capital Regulation and Credit Allocation along Supply Chains (with ​Shu Lin, Yuchao Peng, and Fangxing Zhou), 2023.

8. Banking Innovations in China: Evidence and Welfare Implications (with Yicheng Wang, and Weimin Zhou), 2023.​

9. Bubbly Cycles of Global Imbalances (with Feng Dong, Siqing Wang, and Zhenyang Xu), 2023.

10.  Financing R&D (with Chang Liu, Yuchao Peng, and Jinxiang Yu), 2024.

11. Fish and Bear’s Paw: Dilemmas in Integrating Environment into R&D Policy (with Haichao Fan, Hongyu Nian, Huanhuan Wang, and Jinxiang Yu), 2024.

Working in Process

1. Uncertainty, Liquidity Constraint, and Entrepreneurship (with Pengfei Wang, Daniel Xu, and Sichuang Xu), 2021.

2. Implicit Guarantee and Heterogeneous Financial Intermediaries (with Yushan Xu), 2022, draft coming soon.

​3. A Political Model of Chinese Macroeconomy (with Jinxiang Yu and Zhewei Zhang), 2022, draft coming soon.


1. 刘建丰、许志伟(通讯作者)、章上峰、潘英丽,劳动供给冲击如何影响宏观经济波动---基于企业内生要素份额的动态视角,2016,《经济研究》工作论文。

2. 董丰、许志伟、俞锦祥,僵尸企业、信贷错配与宏观系统风险,2018,《经济研究》修改再审

3. 许志伟、董丰、孙浩宁,股权质押、股市泡沫与金融系统风险,2023,《经济研究》修改再审。

4. 许志伟、白昊霖,中小企业融资难问题的理论思考,2022。

5. 李兆睿、许志伟,数据、生产与宏观经济:一个具有企业数字化的一般均衡理论,2023,《管理世界》修改再审。

6. 张哲玮、许志伟,财政扩张的安全资产效应:基于内生不确定性的异质性个体宏观理论分​,2023。

7. 许志伟、张哲玮、俞锦祥,目标与均衡:央地策略互动的理论视角,2023。


9. 地方政府债务管理的金融视角, 人民大学中国财政政策论坛2023年第4期,2023.5 

8. 经济纾困,关键是保障人流和物流畅通 (王鹏飞、许志伟), 财新网, 2022.6

7. 数据资本究竟如何成为经济增长新动力,文汇报

6. 地方政府债务背后的行为逻辑,经济观察网,2020.10

5. 当前超短期经济政策应精准定向,避免流动性陷阱,中新经纬,新浪财经等

4. 应对“口罩荒”政府需解决恐慌引起的抢购潮 (王鹏飞、许志伟), 第一财经

3. 抗击疫情也应注重宏观政策协调和疫后经济复苏,澎湃新闻

2. Pandemic and Panic: Government as the Supplier of Last Resort (with Yi Huang, Chen Lin, Pengfei Wang), 2020, ABFER working paper [pdf] in book: Impact of COVID-19 on Asian Economies and Policy Responses.

1. Saving China from the coronavirus and economic meltdown: Experiences and lessons (with Yi Huang, Chen Lin, Pengfei Wang), 2020, in VOX e-book Mitigating the COVID Economic Crisis: Act Fact and Do Whatever It Takes. [pdf], link at Voxeu.

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